Mar 062019

Tell Them While You Can

Tell Them While You Can

Jesus had some very close friends while on earth. Some of His closest were Lazarus, Mary and Martha. They were siblings. Jesus was at a party given in His honor. The three were there to honor him as well. While the event was happening, Mary did something quite unbelievable. I am not sure if she realized what was about to take place or not, (Jesus would soon go to the cross), but she wanted Jesus to know how much He meant to her. In John 12:1-8, the Scriptures record how she took a very expensive perfume and used it to honor Jesus by pouring it on both the head and feet of Jesus and then wiping His feet with her hair. It was really a sacred moment. Her depth of love for her Savior was evident… and she was letting Him know.

My father started getting sick one summer and had to begin receiving blood transfusions. Yet he kept getting worse. It was not easy to watch a man who had been a very strong and hard worker physically dwindle away. Yet it was happening. He came to a point in which he declined taking any more blood. He was too tired, was feeling very weak, and was ready to go “home”.

We knew time for him on earth was coming to an end. I so wanted to let my Dad know what he meant to me – I just didn’t want to share it in front of anyone else. It was too personal; too meaningful; too intimate. I wanted it to be just between Dad and me. But it seemed that people were always around the house as we knew time was getting closer to his passing. I didn’t want to simply say some kind words at his funeral without first sharing personally what he meant to me.

You see, my Dad and I did things together – more so after I had grown up. We cut wood together. We worked side jobs together. He helped me put on an addition to my house. We played card and board games. We did ministry together as he held positions of leadership while I was a youth pastor at our church. I had learned to really appreciate our time together. Now it was coming to an end – until I would see him in heaven again some day.

Two days before he passed away the house became empty. The family went to town to get out for a short while. It was an emotional moment – and hard to start – yet I had to let him know… I sat by his hospital bed and began to share with him what he meant to me. Oh yes, we both cried for a while! But I got to tell him what I wanted him to know before he went to heaven. I will forever cherish that memory.

Who is it that means so much to you? Who do you need to tell what they mean to you? Don’t wait to say it at the funeral. Let them know now! Today! We don’t know what tomorrow holds…