Jul 232019

It Goes by Fast!

It Goes by Fast!

I’m sure you have heard things like, “This day went by so fast!” or, “I can’t believe the month’s already about over!” or, “Where did the summer go?’

My Mom used to tell me that every year seems to go by more quickly. While that may not be true according to time, it sure feels like it as we get older.

Moses, a great leader in the Old Testament, wrote one of the more prominent psalms. In it, he included some sage advice for us all. In Psalm 90, he writes down a prayer to God. He remarks how brief life is and how hard it can at times be. So, he asks God, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (v. 12)

There’s some wise advice in that prayer. We all only get 24 hours per day. We all only live 365 days per year. Only God knows how many of those years we will get to live. We need to take advantage of each one God gives to us!

In this verse, I notice three thoughts: 1) I must be teachable. If I am not, I may miss out on some of the greatest experiences God wants me to have. 2) I must be accountable for each day. We are to number them. Don’t waste one day. Once it is over, it’s over! 3) By being both teachable and accountable, I can gain a heart of wisdom so I will know how to best live my life.

God wants our lives to be a blessing to both ourselves and to others. By practicing what Moses gave us so many centuries ago, we can live our lives today to the fullest with God’s help.